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METAL IMPACT :: Voir le sujet - NECROCOSM - HELEL tape and ALIEN DEVIANT CIRCUS cd out now!!
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M-I Membre

Inscrit le: 20 Jan 2008
Messages: 48

MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 12, 2015 4:49 pm    Sujet du message: NECROCOSM - HELEL tape and ALIEN DEVIANT CIRCUS cd out now!! Répondre en citant

New Necro-Releases available:

The French Industrial Cursed Tape
[Unreleased Demos From 2006 to 2008]
Tape - 6 panel-booklet
Limited to 200 copies (100 silver & 100 smoked)

Embrace the Light by discovering the dream previous to the Divine Burst (A Sigil Burnt Deep into the Flesh):
"The French Industrial Cursed Tape" is a 52 minutes long compilation of 7 demo-tracks from 2006 to 2008, restored, and masterized.
Before the Luminous Word, there existed a hostile precursory dream. A dream to precede all action, all motion.
Time has come to (re)discover these roots of steel and rust concealed in that dream, buried deep in the past years, yet not forgotten.
Embrace the Light

New necro-release:

"Ananta Abhâva"

Jewel case CD - 16 page booklet - 500 copies
5 tracks of Industrial Black Metal

After months of delay, the 2nd full-length of this french project is available through Necrocosm.
"My necklace and ornaments are of human bones. I dwell among the ashes of the dead and eat my food in human skulls. I look with eyes brightened with the antinomy of Yoga, and believe that the parts of this world are reciprocally different, but that the whole is not different from God. ...After fasting we drink liquor out of the skulls of Brahmans our sacred fires are fed with the brains and lungs of men mixed up with their flesh, and human beings covered with the fresh blood gushing from the dreadful wound in their throats, are the offerings by which we appease the terrible god (Maha Bhairava)."
Vamâcârâ Sadhana sophia is based upon the dissolution into chaos and the emancipation ov personality from every kind ov dogma or ethical concept. It promotes total art ov destruction, liberated from every influence or static ethic. The metaphysical and philosophical thought is the dark thread ov his global concept which takes root from a strong personal will and a reflexion upon non conditioned expression...
The Word links up around our own act ov deconditioning and poor possibility towards the absolute in which society defines all political or religious values. Moralism is an obstruction to our awakening...

Art, philosophy and Waves are the way ov this awakening towards the black irradiant light. We shall awake in order to match our vibration to his source and to arrange the manifest according to our will...
Let's draw our strength from decay, let us swamp with this source ov creativity, expression and death!!!
Order shall never rise from disorder again!!!
Dethroned mankind shall end his cycle in pain and dishonor!!!

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust...
Vae victis, and they'll be numerous!!!
Oderint dum metuant!!!

xxx Death is Art xxx

Distribution & Production of Dark & Extreme Underground Arts!
+ 6000 items (LP, CD, TS, Books, Zines...)
PE, Black, Indus, Doom, Ambient, Thrash, Ritual, Death available in distribution:

There it's time to fight for the sake of Decadence,
To crush those foreign to Aesthetic Death.
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